Monday, November 9, 2015

Autumn Sketching

Here is a quick sketch with gouache experimenting with watercolor paper primed with gesso. The colors stay on the surface and remain more vivid. This surface is ideal for wet-on-wet techniques.

Misty Autumn Day

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Watercolor and Goauche Potential

In this painting the clouds are carved out of the negative space following the traditional watercolor process. The background forest on the other hand, was worked out by painting it with opaque gouache.

Sheep Paradise in Norway.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

An Small Sketch

This painting was made with a palette knife and thick gouache.

4 x 3 in. Sketch

Sketching with Light Watercolor Washes on Newsprint Paper

A simple sketch with watercolor and charcoal in a brown-green color harmony.

Time Textured Barn

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Snow in Watercolor

Snow is typically rendered with cool blues in the shadow and warm ochres in the light areas. Here is an example painted with watercolor and some touches of gouache.

Sunny and Cold

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Peaceful Pond

Romantic landscape of late afternoon. Gouache and watercolor.

Tree Groves and a Pond

Monday, October 19, 2015

Sharp Edges Sketch

An example of a quick gouache sketch with sharp edges.

Noon Sun in Luberon

Blue -Magenta Harmony

Dry-brush styled impressionistic landscape in gouache on watercolor paper. The blues and magentas are the dominant colors while the yellow complementary was used sparingly.

Changing Weather

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Controlling the Values

To give the impression of full sunlight, values must be carefully balanced.

Noon at the Edge of Town

Impressionist Landscape

An example of a quasi-abstract painting. Media: Gouache on watercolor paper.

Sunset Abstraction

Moonlight sketch.